NovaUVC™ Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation

Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) with Dosage Verification

NovaUVC™ for HVAC

Common air handlers require high UV doses to inactivate microorganisms on-the-fly as they pass through the irradiated zone due to limited exposure time.

NovaSpectra Inc. has developed a proprietary system and method for Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) to address the current shortcomings of conventional systems.

  • Intelligent control of variables- Intensity, wavelength and sensor tunability. Not just on/off.
  • Improves overall air quality
  • Drastic reduction in all airborne pathogens- bacteria, mold spores, fungi and viruses including Coronavirus COVID-19
  • Can target specific bacteria and viruses as per need
  • Helps to eliminate Sick Building Syndrome
  • Helps to eliminate cross contamination
  • Scientifically designed systems are sized using our proprietary sizing tools based on extensive research
  • Computational flow dynamics (CFD) and UV radiation profile modeling data.
  • Scientifically engineered lamp positioning to provide optimum UV dose delivery and maximum kill rate
  • Increase the life of coils, HEPA and MERV filters
  • Reduces maintenance costs by avoiding manual cleaning
  • Save energy by variable power levels and eliminating Biofilm buildup
  • Typical payback period of < 36 months


While every installation is different, the location of the Ultraviolet C (UV-C) bulbs/ LEDs, Ultraviolet C (UV-C) bulbs/LEDs choice, placement of sensors, analysis of air flow, use or no use of reflective materials, integration with building automation systems, thermal management are all analysed using NovaSpectra's proprietary system and methods. NovaUVC™ takes all these components and optimizes the collaboration of all the components to create a system that meets and verifies dosage while using the least amount of energy necessary. Measuring Ultraviolet C (UV-C) intensity and air flow we are able to see the real time dosage; we modify bulb/LED intensity as needed to minimize electricity draw while monitoring bulb/LED intensity degradation as they age to alert for bulb/LED replacement. Thermal management to achieve bulb lifetime and light output targets.


NovaSpectra's Proprietary System
Click to Enlarge


Custom Ultraviolet C (UV-C) Bulb Arrays Fit Virtually Any Application



NovaSpectra can do an in depth analysis of your existing assets and custom design a NovaUVC™ solution for your specific needs and environment.


Using a combination of high-output, low-pressure amalgam lamps and reflectors, Novaspecta's UV disinfection system for air handlers provides In-Duct Air Disinfection to meet ASHRAE standards for HVAC systems. With a matrix bulb setup, flow meter, and UV sensors we are able to monitor the output of Ultraviolet C (UV-C) at 254 nm to make sure irradiance is equal or greater than 1,000 µW/cm2. By monitoring airflow, the system will also vary the intensity of each bulb or even turn parts of the matrix off to minimize electricity usage, extending the life of the bulbs, while maintaining proper irradiance levels.


In addition to a display readout, your entire population of HVAC disinfection can be connected to your building automation system. We also have a standalone portal system for non BAS users.



How Does NovaUVC™ save energy and reduce maintenance costs?
Click to Enlarge


Banks of UV-Lamps Installed Inside HVAC Systems


Banks of UV-Lamps Installed Inside HVAC Systems
Click to Enlarge


Common Air Handler With a Standard Reflective Surface


NovaSpectra has over 20 years of experience in the public and private health care compliance space, including research and development as a government contractor for the United States Department of Defense.